16 May 2016 1:46 PM

Support Your Local Small Business

This week is Queensland Small Business Week. An initiative started by the LNP Government. Small Business plays such an important role in our community. It is the bedrock of the local economy, providing 1000's of jobs and opportunities. Every dollar you spend locally at a small business greatly benefits our community.

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16 May 2016 12:33 PM

Crime Stoppers

The message from tonight's Crime Stoppers Meeting is rather simple "Lock It or Lose It" Lock your vehicles, don't leave valuables in sight, lock your houses when you go out.

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12 May 2016 3:08 PM

Police Resources Petitions Tabled

My two Police Resources Petitions were tabled in Parliament this week. Thank you to the 1249 residents that supported the need for 50 more Police Officers for the Coomera Police Station and for the construction of a New Police Station in Ormeau. I will keep the electorate updated on the progress of these important community needs.

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6 May 2016 3:55 PM

Boothman Weekly Wrap

ANZAC Day services throughout the electorate were symbols of pride and remembrance to all those who have served our Nation. Locals stood in solemn silence to remember all those who did not return. Thank you to all our local RSL Clubs and volunteers for all your efforts in making this day special to all those who have served.

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3 May 2016 3:07 PM

Police Petition Closing

Police Petition ends in 4 days. 50 additional Police for Coomera and a new Station at Ormeau

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