4 Feb 2023 11:32 AM
Helensvale Farmers MarketThank you to everyone who supported The Helensvale Farmers Market this morning. The rain was a welcomed relief to the humidity, until it stopped raining, than it was humid again. Queensland summe |
26 Jan 2023 2:11 PM
Australia Day 2023Thank you Lions Club of Helensvale for once again hosting the Northern Gold Coast Australia Day Citizenship Ceremony. Today we welcomed 49 new Australians from many corners of the globe, including Ukraine. Most importantly, we have an extra 49 Queensland supporters & players for our sporting prowess to ensure our superiority over the blues from New South Wales. |
26 Jan 2023 8:51 AM
Australia Day CelebrationsOxenford & Coomera Community Youth Centre Australia Day Community Block Party is almost ready to roll! BBQ fired up, Cafe is up and running, family activities almost ready and music is pumping. Party starts at 9:30am |
31 Dec 2022 9:12 PM
New Years Eve 2022Happy New Year from Viney Park Coomera. Technically 3 hours early! But happy new year, I wish everyone a successful 2023! May your dreams and wishes come true. |
19 Dec 2022 5:42 PM
SantaSanta has left the building and is on his way to Stone Creek Estate. Unfortunately the Reindeer are on strike, Rudolph said it is too hot to pull Santa’s Sleigh. Santa called up his mates at Coomera Valley Rural Fire Brigade to help out. This afternoon you will see Santa in a big yellow truck! |