13 Jun 2018 10:38 AM

Guanaba RFB family Fun day

Take a drive to the hinterland August 19th for a day of free family fun hosted by the Guanaba Rural Fire Brigade. The day we feature tons of free kids fun and activities + amazing live music on stage. The Design Collectives delicious food trucks will be there! Everything from Roll N Spit to fresh juices and loaded hot dogs 10-2pm Come and meet your friendly local fire brigade crew!

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5 Jun 2018 9:38 PM

Helensvale Lion Club

Congratulations to Lion Barry Preo for been elected to the office of President of the Lions Club of Helensvale. I’m sure you will have a successful year. Special mention to a Jasmine (Lions Youth of the Year) for her successful year. Well done all!

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5 Jun 2018 9:33 PM

Helensvale Lion Club

Congratulations to Lion Barry Preo for been elected to the office of President of the Lions Club of Helensvale. I’m sure you will have a successful year. Special mention to a Jasmine (Lions Youth of the Year) for her successful year. Well done all!

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4 Jun 2018 7:41 PM

Helensvale Anti Cyber Bullying Forum

Anti Cyber Bullying forum tonight at Helensvale Library. Thank you to Madonna King and Michael Crandon MP for hosting this event. But a special acknowledgement to the students who expressed their thoughts and experiences on this issue.

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3 Jun 2018 9:23 AM

Helensvale Lions Car Boot Sale

Busy morning and a early start (4am) for the Lions Club of Helensvale car boot sale. All morning the crowds have slowly walking through grabbing bargains.

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