25 Feb 2017 7:32 AM
Local Community Park Run DonationIt is a extra good morning for the Coomera Park Run with the kind donation of $1000 dollars by the Upper Coomera Lions Club. The money will be spend on buying a defibrillator for the running club. Well done Upper Coomera Lions. |
18 Feb 2017 7:51 PM
Beenleigh Theatre Group IncBeenleigh Theatre Group Inc is hosting a new production Blood Brothers! Well done all the cast and show director Roslyn Johnson. It's a great show with talented actors, so come down and support our local theatre. Cr Jennie Breene and I give it our approval! |
11 Feb 2017 3:30 PM
Sign on DayGold Coast Inclusive Sports Program sign on Day. It was hot, very hot but nothing stops the inclusive sports program. Well done everyone! |
8 Feb 2017 12:35 PM
Waitangi Day FlashbackWaitangi Day three years ago. Time goes by so quick. This year's event at UCSC should be bigger and better. |
26 Jan 2017 12:48 PM
Australian Citizenship Ceremony 2017Big thank you to the legendary Helensvale Lions Club for once again hosting the Australia Day Citizenship Ceremony at Helensvale and Stuart Robert MP for his enlightening speech. Australia Day isn't complete without a Aussie flag in a Lamington. Thanks again Lions. |