16 Dec 2016 12:50 PM
Albert River Annual Community Open DayAlbert River Annual Community Open Day is on today. Lots to do, things to buy and all profits goes to helping a wonderful community group. |
12 Dec 2016 4:01 PM
Community Roadside 12/12/2016Community Roadside Monday at the John Muntz Bridge Upper Coomera / Oxenford. One issue keeps popping up at my community roadsides is crime. As I has said many times in the parliament, we need tougher sentencing, more Police in our area and programs like boot camps. |
11 Dec 2016 3:19 PM
Ormeau Rural Fire Brigade ChristmasThe legends of the Ormeau Rural Fire Brigade are busy this afternoon, so no illegal burn offs, no open camp fires in the bush and any other silly stuff. This is their only day off! Merry Christmas Ormeau RFB! You all deserve a wonderful day off. |
11 Dec 2016 3:12 PM
Ormeau Christmas Carol'sRon's BBQ cam at the Ormeau Christmas Carols. The crowds are slowly rolling in for tonight's festivities. Ron promises me he will not burn a single sausage. So far he has kept to his word. |
10 Dec 2016 6:55 PM
Junior Quota BeenleighWhat a wonderful team! The talented volunteers from Junior Quota Beenleigh at last night’s gift wrapping. These folks are masters at cooking snags on the BBQ and they give up so much of their time to participate in community activities to make the world a bit better place. Hi 5. |