23 Sep 2017 10:34 AM
Community Roadside 23/9/2017Saturday Community Roadside with some special visitors. It was a nice surprise to have a family of ducks join us. |
22 Sep 2017 2:22 PM
Rural Fire Brigade UpdateSince Tuesday the 5th of September a fire has been slowly burning throughout the Wongawallon area. |
27 Aug 2017 2:31 PM
E-PetitionReinforce the Coomera River Bank to reduce future erosion and protect the connection road to the John Muntz Bridge at Upper Coomera. Petition asks. |
6 Jun 2017 12:12 PM
Happy to Help our Waste AngelsHuge thank you to the Waste Angels for their wonderful work in keeping our streets clean. They are a group of volunteers who give up their time every week to pick up rubbish and care for our environment. |
5 Jun 2017 11:32 PM
Out and AboutDuring my travels today I came across one of the Northern Gold Coast best gardeners / lawn maintenance specialists. Matt has his very own golfing green on his front lawn with a rough area for added affect. What guy wouldn't want a golfing green in his front yard? |