21 Dec 2016 11:17 AM

Beenleigh Twin Rivers Lions Club

We are wrapping up Christmas with some Beenleigh Twin Rivers Lions Club cheer. Click on continue reading to see a short video of last year's event and to view my wrapping skills.

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11 Dec 2016 3:12 PM

Ormeau Christmas Carol's

Ron's BBQ cam at the Ormeau Christmas Carols. The crowds are slowly rolling in for tonight's festivities. Ron promises me he will not burn a single sausage. So far he has kept to his word.

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3 Dec 2016 11:17 AM

Ormeau Lion's Weekley BBQ

Ormeau Lions BBQ packed up for another week. To all those who have supported the Lions today at the Ormeau IGA, huge thank you, we raised over $400 and every cent will go to helping our farmers to make their Christmas a little better. So thank you all! If you would like some information about getting involved and helping the Lion’s and our community give me a call at the office on 3445 0100

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1 Nov 2016 12:00 PM

Ormeau Lions BBQ

I have to take my hat off to the members of the Ormeau Lions and its members. Every Saturday from 6.30am rain, hail or shine they are there raising money at the Ormeau IGA for those in need.

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