7 Sep 2016 12:15 PM

40kmh School Zone

It may of seemed a simple task to have a 60kmh sign moved but in this case it was years in the making.

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11 Aug 2016 4:05 PM

More Road Funding

Great news for residents who regularly use Beaudesert-Beenleigh Road near Shaws Pocket. We have finally secured $958,000 in funding to "significantly improve the bend near Shaws Pocket at Rocky Creek" This will include raising the outer edge of the road to provide a turning bank to allow vehicles to manoeuvre through the curve more safely.

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16 May 2016 3:21 PM

Beaudesert Beenleigh Road Update

Busy day in the electorate inspecting new safety equipment being installed on Beaudesert Beenleigh Road. It is great to see the work beginning so soon after the funding announcement. I have for some time spoken out on behalf of residents about the need to improve safety and conditions for this stretch of road. Residents can expect some delays when traveling along Beaudesert Beenleigh Road during daylight hours whilst safety works are in progress.

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