25 Aug 2017 5:41 PM
FOXWELL ROAD UPGRADEContractors are busy clearing the path for the recently approved upgrade of Foxwell Road from the train station to the Exit 54 interchange, outside Westfield. The road will be upgraded to 3 lanes in each direction plus turning lanes. A new road (Creek Road) is being constructed to the east of the existing bridge and Railway Road will also be extended to the north plus an entrance to Westfield in between. We haven't been able to confirm the actual start date for the road |
19 Aug 2017 2:33 PM
Alan Wilke Bridge Re-OpensAlan Wilke Bridge open two weeks ahead of schedule |
7 Jul 2017 9:02 PM
Busy DayGood to see the weather fine up so I could hit the pavement and meet a few more locals as I go around. It feels like I walked to Sydney and back over the last few weeks. Thanks to channel 7 and 9 also the Gold Coast Bulletin for you interest in the Northern GC traffic issues. |
7 Jul 2017 5:59 PM
Alan Wilke Bridge UpdateFrom Cr Donna Gates |