20 Jan 2021 10:28 AM
Coomera ConnectorIn today’s Gold Coast Bulletin, there is an article about the proposed Coomera Connector. |
11 Oct 2020 7:12 PM
Road Safety UpgradeAnother day hitting the pavement in the Theodore Electorate chatting with locals. The LNP has committed to fund a safety upgrade at Michigan Drive and Tamborine Oxenford in response to the petition I ran on behalf of residents a couple months ago. Plus I have letter box dropping this information for many weeks. People power. |
18 Aug 2020 3:30 PM
Exit 57 PetitionRecently in Queensland Parliament I spoke about the need for a long-term solution for M1 Motorway Exit 57 Oxenford. |
17 Jul 2020 10:21 AM
Exit 57 PetitionThis week in Queensland Parliament I spoke about the need for a long-term solution for M1 Motorway Exit 57 Oxenford. |
22 Jun 2020 5:04 PM
Gavin Arterial RoadA couple residents have contacted my office regarding a vehicle in the middle of a roundabout along Gavin arterial Road. Police have been onsite and investigated ( blue tape gives that away). My office has been in contacted with council to remove. |