7 Sep 2016 12:30 PM
New Classrooms.Construction of the new classroom block is progressing well at Highland Reserve State School with work crews preparing to lay the concrete foundations. Over the holiday period they are expecting to have the ground floor structures well advanced. |
7 Sep 2016 12:15 PM
40kmh School ZoneIt may of seemed a simple task to have a 60kmh sign moved but in this case it was years in the making. |
26 Aug 2016 10:20 AM
Beenleigh Special School Olympic Sports DayBeenleigh Special School was a hive of athletic activity today at their Olympic sports day. Once again team Albert with a slight advantage in overwhelming numbers won the sports day. But team Logan can be proud, vastly outnumbered they held their own and won a lot of events. Go Albert! Now I'm off to buy a new sports day shield for the school, we have run out of room on the old one. |
1 Jul 2016 2:28 PM
Community Grant RecipientsCongratulations to all the successful community grants! $35,000 to upgrade tuck shop facilities at Cedar Creek State School P&C, $16,988.52 to upgrade hall at QCWA Coomera, $6,244.50 to purchase indoor bowls equipment for Studio Village Community Centre, $9,079.19 to purchase IT equipment for Oxenford & Coomera Community Youth Centre to name a few. |