3 Aug 2023 1:26 PM

Gaven State School Parliament Tour

It was a delight to have the staff and students from Gaven State School at the Queensland Parliament! Today students were able to watch education committee estimates.

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13 Jul 2023 9:19 AM

Coomera State School 150th Year Celebration

Congratulations, Coomera State School, on your 150 years! From your humble beginnings of 16 students who first sat in a classroom half the size of what we use today, the school has come a long way. I’m looking forward to the 150-year Fete on Saturday.

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22 Jun 2023 7:17 PM

Helensvale State School

Congratulations to all the award recipients at tonight’s Helensvale State School mid-year awards night! A quote from Walt Disney “All our dreams can come true; if we have the courage to pursue them.”

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17 Jun 2023 8:00 PM

Jubilee Primary School Board Game Trivia Night!

Thank you to the fantastic Jubilee Primary School - Pacific Pines P&F for organising tonight’s Jubilee Board Game Trivia Night! We have a diverse range of teams with some “interesting” names. Gotta love the ladies in the blowup outfits. So far no air leaks. 😄 Well done President Nat and team.

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12 May 2023 1:48 PM

Invest for Success (I4S) Funding Allocation

School Funding Question On Notice to the Minister for Education: Invest for Success funding is allocated to schools based on their ICSEA value (Index of Community Socio-educational Advantage), notionally, a higher ICSEA value would equate to lower funding per student and vice versa.

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