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5 Nov 2017 9:52 AM

Community Roadside 5/11/2017

Sunday morning Community Roadside with the family ๐Ÿ˜ƒ. Thank you to the many people already who have stopped for a chat. Looks like storm clouds are building over the Gold Coast Hinterland.

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4 Nov 2017 9:26 PM

Chaplains Dinner

It was a top night at the Chaplains fundraising dinner at Movieworld. We have many Chaplains throughout the electorate and they all do an amazing job. They are so passionate about helping students and those in need.

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4 Nov 2017 3:54 PM

Busy Busy day

Cracker of a day, first up was the announcement that the LNP will build the inter regional transport corridor to give motorist an alternative to the M1 Motorway. Next up was my usual task, help with the Lions BBQ clean up, than it was time to help the Northern Gold Coast RSL legends at Bunnings. Now itโ€™s time for my business as usual Community Roadside.

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