22 Mar 2018 9:17 PM

School Safety

Question On Notice requesting an update on the CCTV cameras that were promised to schools as per last years estimates hearing.

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22 Mar 2018 5:34 PM

Helensvale Senior Citizens

It was great to host 30 of the lovely Helensvale Senior Citizens at Parliament this week. They seemed to love the tour through the parliament. Plus as always, I had a great chat with our senior (wise) citizens.

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22 Mar 2018 11:50 AM

Maudsland Road Pedestrian Crossing

This week in Parliament I spoke about the concerns residents from Maudsland have expressed about the need for a further signal pedestrian crossing at the intersection of Maudsland Road / Gaven Arterial Road and Riverstone Crossing Maudsland. #reserve #riverstonecrossing

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13 Mar 2018 2:51 PM

Park 'n' Ride Update

Damian Leeding Park ‘n’ Ride will be established for exclusive use by GC2018 ticketed spectators attending competition at Oxenford Studios, and will see 1000 vehicles parking for each competition session. With up to three session changes each day, the local area will be much busier with more people, more traffic and heightened security measures during Games time.

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12 Mar 2018 8:47 PM

Well done Caitlyn

Tonight I was at Helensvale Scout Group for Caitlyn Hayes' Baden Powell Award - the highest award in Rovers. She has earned the BP Award just two years after coming up from Venturers and in tonight I was at Helensvale Scout Group for Caitlyn Hayes' Baden Powell Award - the highest award in Rovers. She has earned the BP Award just two years after coming up from Venturers and in parallel she has completed her advanced training Wood Badge as a Scout Leader. An incredible young woman.....

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