24 Jul 2018 2:40 PM
Hazard Reduction BurnHazard Reduction burn is continuing in Wongawallan behind the Timberview Estate. The lite breeze will push the smoke in a easterly direction. |
[Image] | 22 Jul 2018 5:34 PM
Winferfest 2018It’s been a cracker of a day at the Pacific Pines Winterfest 2018. The Guanaba Rural Fire Brigade and a few other volunteers worked the sausage sizzle all day and I must say, it was flat out! Well done President Vikki and all the volunteers. Clean up is done, I’m going to head home and put my feet up. |
21 Jul 2018 1:46 PM
Coomera Crushers 7'sSome great 7’s action at the Coomera Crushers this afternoon with the ladies showing the guys how to play Rugby. Plus it was great to catch up with Dean (working the BBQ), a former Ormeau Lion and great volunteer. |
18 Jul 2018 2:47 PM
Coomera CWA AGMAnother successful year for the QCWA Coomera! With a total of 4710 volunteer hours and multiple projects helping those in need, it has been a very busy year for the ladies. President Jo and your team, well done. |
10 Jul 2018 4:41 PM
School Crossing FixedDuring the last week of term 2, crossing guards at Helensvale State School requested a trip hazard be removed for students using the northern school crossing on Discovery Drive. Thank you to William Owen-Jones Division 2, Gold Coast Office for quickly fixing this issue. |