14 Sep 2019 3:00 PM
Guanaba Rural Fire Brigade New WasherHuge thanks to Mark Boothman MP, Theodore and Harvey Norman for sorting us out with a new washing machine for our station we can now wash our ppe (personal protective equipment) |
11 Sep 2019 1:44 PM
The Community Digs DeepIt has been an amazing effort by all involved! Let’s not forget all the partners, mums, dads, sons and daughters who have had many a sleepless night worrying about the wellbeing of their loved ones fighting the fires. |
10 Sep 2019 5:57 PM
Coomera Valley RFB DonationsOur community doesn’t disappoint when the call goes out for help! Thank you again for the overwhelming support you have shown our volunteer rural fire brigade! |
10 Sep 2019 2:55 PM
Oxenford State School Water For The West DonationWow! Big wow! Huge wow! Oxenford State School P&C Association & Oxenford State School delivered a mountain of water for Water for the West. Gotta love the messages on the bottles! Thank you thank you thank you Team Oxenford! Kirby, Kelly and Amanda!!!!!! We have over 4 tonne of water so far! |
30 Aug 2019 10:43 AM
Oxenford Men's Shed Helping Our Farmers.How many men does it take to run a bbq at Bunnings? Oxenford Men's Shed Inc are running the BBQ at Bunnings today, they are taking donations for drought relief. Comes down support the fellas. Plus we have a few ladies helping out. |