22 Feb 2019 2:55 PM
Neighbourhood WatchMorning deliveries of Neighbourhood Watch Street Signs, Nicole one of our local coordinators seemed very happy, she has been after them for years. Happy as a kid in a candy store |
20 Feb 2019 3:38 PM
Crossing Guard Catch UpQuick chat with our lovely crossing guards. Please remember, our crossing guards are trying to do a good job and keep our children safe, but texting on your mobile phones whilst driving isn’t the best at anytime, especially in a school zone. Plus we all know it’s illegal. $391 and 3 points plus double demerit points for a second offence within 12 months of the first. |
20 Feb 2019 2:00 PM
Citizenship CeremonyCongratulations to all the new Aussies at today Citizenship Ceremony at Bundall today. Channel 9’s Bruce Page was todays master of ceremony. We had new citizens from over 40 different countries, not a bad effort. |
15 Feb 2019 2:06 PM
Question On NoticeQuestion On Notice to the Minister was about Community Care Houses for Youth Offenders in our suburbs. It is a point of contention for residents who live close by to one and Police will argue it drains their resources. Therefore, how many are there on the Gold Coast... |
6 Feb 2019 5:08 PM
Queensland FloodsA Queensland Flood Appeal has been launched to help our mates in the North. While giving goods is a great gesture the best thing we can do right now is to donate money through these charities. |