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6 Jul 2021 9:33 AM

Support Local Small Business

Please support our local small businesses this week. With the lockdown last week, a lot of our small businesses experienced a 50% drop in sales. Therefore they need your support. Every dollar spent locally is returned many times.

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25 Jun 2021 2:13 PM

Busy Day In The Electorate

Good morning catching up with local small business owners, chat with school students about parliament, colour fun run at UCSC and catch up with Russell / Lynn Lynch (former President of the Oxenford Pony Club)

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27 Feb 2021 11:08 AM

Support Our Local Small Business

Meet Jett! Jett has been helping his pop ( Darrell ) every weekend at the markets. He becoming a real entrepreneur and a master at selling seafood. Plus the Beaudesert Times newspaper recently wrote an article about his talents. Every dollar spent locally creates jobs and helps young fellas like Jett.

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29 Jan 2021 4:06 PM

Please Support Our Local Travel Agents

It has been a tough time for many small businesses and the travel industry has suffered terribly. We have a choice. Book your weekend away or next adventure in Queensland through a local travel agent that employs Australians and keeps the profits here. Alternatively, you can book your holiday on an online travel or hotel booking website that is foreign-owned, profits go overseas and employ foreigners.

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