28 Jul 2024 8:16 PM
Coomera Valley Rural Fire Brigade Open Day 2024Thank you for all your efforts after the Christmas Day Storms. You never wavered, even in the most oppressive conditions, clearing roads and properties of debris and helping those in need. Day after day, you put on the yellow uniform, knowing jobs needed to be done to serve our community. From a grateful community, thank you! |
28 Jul 2024 5:28 PM
Coomera Valley Rural Fire Brigade Open Day 2024Thank you to everyone who supported the Coomera Valley Rural Fire Brigade! The Rotary Club of Coomera Valley worked overtime cooking bacon and eggs, steak burgers and sausage on bread with onions on top. I ended the day with my usual Sunday afternoon community road at Oxenford. Opposite SPAR Express Oxenford, the home of the best chicken pies, vanilla slices, bacon cheese beef pies, caramel slices, and the list goes on. |
10 Jul 2024 5:18 PM
Guanaba Rural Fire BrigadeLast night, Guanaba Rural Fire Brigade braved the cold night air to further their skills and train the next generation of rural volunteers. The new volunteers learnt quick response skills, such as calculating water flow over distance, how to prime a water pump, replenishing water tanks and quick responses to changing conditions. |