This Petition Has Ended


Petition – Youth Crime


To sign our Youth Crime petition please click HERE


Many residents have expressed their dismay about the level of youth crime that is plaguing our community. They feel there isn’t enough being done to correct the anti social behaviour that many of these individuals display.


The Petition Reads


Queensland citizens draws to the attention of the House the lack of progress when dealing with youth offenders and:

a) note the youth crime crisis continues to plague innocent Queenslanders with victims feeling there is no justice or deterrent when dealing with offenders - especially repeat offenders.

b) feel repeat offenders are making a mockery of the revolving door “catch and lease” legal justice system.

Your petitioners therefore request the House to:

1.  Ensure all repeat offenders, with two or more offences, must participate in rehabilitation programs that deal with their anti-social behaviour as part of their punishment. Only upon successfully completion of these programs are they to be released.

2.  A youth offender should not be able to choose to wear a GPS tracking device. A magistrate should be able to mandate the wearing of such a device as part of the condition for sentencing - when deemed appropriate - and also remove the provision of “detention as a last resort” to empower magistrates.

3.  Focus on early intervention programs with proven outcomes, that capture disengaged youth to lessen the likelihood of future antisocial behaviour. This should also include better resourcing and funding at primary and junior secondary school education level to increase student engagement and lessen the possibility of future behavioural issues.

4.  Ensure the Government reports quarterly all data on intervention program outcomes.

To sign our Youth Crime petition please click HERE


Thank you for your continued support and if ever I can be of assistance, or you see me at a roadside, please do not hesitate to stop and have a chat.


Yours sincerely


Mark Boothman MP

Member for Theodore