Boothman Weekly Wrap 22/7/2016
22 Jul 2016 4:01 PMMark Boothman
Hello again, in this weeks wrap I give updates on Exit 54, our schools also Police numbers and community safety along with what our community service clubs have been up to.
Exit 54
There has been a lot of progress at Exit 54 in recent weeks including the opening up of the new bridge. Another important upgrade is that motorists travelling west on Days Road can now use BOTH left and right lanes to travel across the Exit 54 M1 interchange. You don't need to queue in the right lane. Both lanes allow right turning onto Dreamworld Parkway on the eastern side of the interchange with one lane proceeding onto Foxwell Road east.
The Contractors have been, and will continue, to adjust traffic signals on both east and west sides of the interchange. Please be patient whilst TMR fine tune the sequences.
Changed traffic conditions at Exit 54 from Friday 22 July 2016:
- Traffic signals have replaced the western roundabout at Days Road/Abraham Road
- Northbound loop ramp and on-ramp is open to traffic. Traffic on the northbound off-ramp will now travel on the new [permanent] alignment, then under the Foxwell Road bridges and then either onto:
- the new northbound on-ramp to join the M1 towards Brisbane.
- the new loop ramp to join Foxwell Road/Days Road and Abraham Road or
- New traffic signals at BP Connect Service Centre exit
- One westbound lane on Days Road (between Abraham Road and the traffic lights at Coomera Anglican College) has been temporarily removed for pavement construction and footpath works
- Pedestrians and cyclists will be redirected along a delineated route around the construction area.
Motorists are reminded to allow extra travel time to their journeys.
The Department of Transport and Main Roads will today be working on the signals to optimise traffic flows through the intersection. We thank motorists for their patience while this work is ongoing.
These changes are an interim measure and will not be in the final alignment. The temporary layouts are required so that work can continue - to build centre medians and road shoulders. The final lane configurations should be ready for traffic in the next few months.
Letterbox Drops, Doorknocking and Community Roadsides.
New Clasrooms
Over the past few weeks I have dedicated any spare time to getting out into the electorate. Recently, I have been lucky enough to be able to speak personally with many residents whist delivering nearly 5000 letters to Highland Reserve and Norfolk Village. We have discussed the funding I successfully obtained for the Highland Reserve State School classrooms. A total of $5 million has been allocated towards a permanent classroom solution for the school and its students.
I am also continuing with the urgent need for a similar classroom upgrade for Coomera Springs State School. I have written to the Minister for Education requesting a permanent classroom solution as the School's population continues to grow as further developments continue unabated. Coomera Spring State School has a reputation of educational excellence and is seen as a shining example of public school education. Therefore, it is only fitting they receive a permanent solution for their classroom needs.
Fighting for more Policeing Resourses
Also for those who have not read in recent media reports, I am happy to inform you that we have been allocated an additional 20 Police Offers to the Coomera Police Station. It is still far short of the 50 offers we requested. I will continue to make this a priority and have again written to the Minister thanking him for the 20 Officers whilst also pointing out the need for those additional 30 Officer’s.
Our Community Groups
QWA Coomera
There has been a lot happening with our local community groups that I would like to share with you. First off congratulations to the incoming officer bearers of the QCWA Coomera. You are an amazing group of volunteers who give so much to our community.
To share this special occasion, multiple community groups attended to help celebrate this special day - they included, Coomera Valley Rural Fire Brigade, Helensvale Lions and the Oxenford Men's Shed Inc
Beenleigh PCYC
The annual PCYC Beenleigh fundraising dinner was held last night at the Beenleigh PCYC club. It's amazing to see how many young lives are changed forever by the efforts of these dedicated individuals. Well done Mark Haestier and team.
Commera Anglican College Fair 2016
Despite the grey clouds and a threat of nasty weather there was a steady stream of families rolling through the Coomera Anglican College fair when I was there. Credit to all the organisers and to all who participated on the day.
Ormeau Lion's
The Ormeau Lions Club fair is fast approaching, only 7 weeks away! Tonight we are slowly working through multiple jobs that need to be done to ensure the fair goes smoothly this year. Many hour of planning goes into a large community event like the Ormeau Fair and you can never have to many helping hands. If you have every considered being a part of a group like Lions and helping out with community events and a bit of fundraising why not give them a call just click here for their contact details.