Bushfire Conditions Signage. (Removed)
11 Sep 2023 7:03 PMMark Boothman
Many residents and tourists rely on these signs as a subtle reminder of current bushfire conditions, especially for those who live in areas with poor mobile coverage and limited internet connectivity. The Bureau of Meteorology forecasts a problematic bushfire season that could devastate residential properties. Therefore, it beggars’ belief the Department of Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) has removed 300 of these warning signs across Queensland and only replaced 64 of them.
It would be far more logical to keep the current signage and only remove them when the new signage becomes available.
I have written to the Minister for Fire and Emergency Services, raising the concerns and frustration of residents about the lack of foresight in removing these signs without installing suitable replacements. Locally, we have lost three signs across the electorate.
As one resident recently stated, have we learnt nothing from the devastating 2019 bushfire season and its impact on the local region?
It is imperative for this reason that we as a community have every resource available to us to protect our families and property from future fire events.