6 Dec 2018 7:40 PM
Coomera State School Christmas CarolsBusy time for the Upper Coomera Lions Club cooking a feast of sausages on bread at the Coomera State School Christmas Carols! The Lions are enjoying the carols whilst we cook. ✌️ Big thank you to the Coomera State School P&C for all their efforts and a successful year. |
11 Nov 2018 4:01 PM
Remembrance Day 2018It has been 100 years since the guns fell silent on the western front to mark the end of the Great War and today the Northern Gold Coast RSL Remembrance Day Service paid tribute to all those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. Lest We Forget. |
4 Nov 2018 6:55 AM
Helensvale Lions Car Car Boot SaleLions Club of Helensvale Car Boot Sale is on again this morning at Helensvale Plaza. The fine weather has half of Helensvale out selling their wares. Lots to look at and a few bargains. |
27 Oct 2018 11:35 AM
Biggest Tree Planting OxenfordBiggest tree plant (10,000) is happening at Oxenford till 1pm. So far we have planted over 3,000! Well done all involved and CR William Owen-Jones Division 2, Gold Coast for funding this event. Plus we had Ormeau Scout Group, Helensvale Scout Group, Lions Club Upper Coomera and many others all working hard. |
15 Sep 2018 9:54 PM
Southern Astronomical SocietyIt was a great night under the stars or in this case, under the planets. A team of amateur astronomers from the Southern Astronomical Society showcased the planets tonight at Paradise Point! Some SAS members took to new methods for stargazing. |