28 Aug 2016 11:07 AM

Oxenford Pony Club Gala hack

Oxenford Pony Club held their annual Gala Hack Show today at the Oxenford Pony Club. This is the premier Gala Hack show on the Gold Coast. It is an event I always look forward to and as always it was an overwhelming success. To all the volunteers and club officials well done, and to all those who competed it was very entertaining and great to watch. Also to our Master of Ceremonies Jenni from Studio Village Community Centre you as always do a fantastic job for the local community.

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1 Jul 2016 1:29 PM

Upper Coomera Community Centre

The Upper Coomera Community Centre has a wide range of youth activities for the school holidays. Here is a list for week two of the holidays.

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29 Apr 2016 3:49 PM

Boothman's Weekly Wrap

Here is the 3rd addition of the Boothman Blog

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12 Apr 2016 9:58 AM

Anzac Day Services Gold Coast and Beenleigh

Here is a list of Anzac Day services for the Gold Coast. More information about ANZAC Day can be found at The Australian War Memorial website www.awm.gov.au/ and the RSL website rsl.org.au/

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