29 Feb 2020 11:27 AM
Crime StoppersGreat response for Crime Stoppers outside Woolworth Oxenford. Kay and Ron are the best volunteers an organisation could ever wish for. They are always the first to volunteer. Plus it was good for me to catch up with heaps of locals for the last 4 hours. |
18 Apr 2019 7:33 PM
Crime Stoppers UpdateThe Crime Stoppers crew is planning upcoming events and fundraisers across the Northern Gold Coast. We have a few Bunnings Sausage Sizzles, Seniors Expo, Mudgeeraba Show and Canungra Show to plan for. Plus it is good to see a couple new members at tonight’s meeting. |
21 Mar 2019 8:30 PM
Northern Gold Coast Crime StoppersTeam Crime Stoppers Northern Gold Coast are still in business, we have gone through a lot of changes recently but our GC team is keen to keep up the great work locally. |
22 Feb 2019 2:55 PM
Neighbourhood WatchMorning deliveries of Neighbourhood Watch Street Signs, Nicole one of our local coordinators seemed very happy, she has been after them for years. Happy as a kid in a candy store |
6 Feb 2019 1:04 PM
Crime StoppersCrime stoppers funding has fallen short by $250,000 and they will be forced to close its call centre this Friday. We need to keep Crime Stoppers independent and ensure callers feel their information is anonymous. This is the cornerstone to why so many people use the Crimestoppers service. We need the State to make up the difference and keep Crime Stoppers independent. |