19 May 2018 12:11 PM

Upper Coomer Lions Supporting Upper Coomera Neighbourhood Day.

Our Upper Coomera Lions are cooking up a storm at the Upper Coomera Neighbourhood Day. Thank you for the Upper Coomera Neighbourhood Watch Volunteers for todays event and the work they do for the local community.

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5 May 2018 5:13 PM

Crime Stoppers

The BBQ tongs had a workout today at the Crime Stoppers sausage sizzle at Bunnings Oxenford. Thank you to everyone who purchased a snag.

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27 Aug 2017 11:57 AM

Crime Stoppers

Our great Crime Stoppers Volunteers are putting the brakes on crime at this weekend's Canungra Show and Rodeo. So if your at the rodeo today, pop in and say hi.

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24 Jun 2017 2:10 PM

Very Busy Morning

First up today was walking the pavement in Studio Village, then a quick interview with Channel 7, help the Lions clean up their weekly BBQ, now it's time for a Community Roadside at Upper Coomera near the Community Centre.

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19 Jun 2017 1:19 PM

More Police Please

Our local Police are over worked and the Gold Coast desperately needs more. Last week in Parliament I continued to plead for the officers we need.

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