22 Nov 2016 11:02 AM

Plastic Bag Free Queensland

On average, a single-use plastic bag is used for just 12 minutes but takes up to 1,000 years to fully decompose. Australians use over 5 billion plastic bags every year, 1 billion of those here in Queensland. If elected, an LNP Government will work for a nationally-consistent approach to phasing out single-use plastic bags to bring Queensland in line with other States and Territories.

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1 Sep 2016 11:20 AM

Question on Notice to the Minister for the Environment.

Residents of Catalina Gardens Upper Coomera have been subjected to an ever-expanding Flying Fox colony that has encroached onto a large town house complex. In recent times, Gold Coast City Council has undertaken some vegetation management to limited affect. Due to the serious health concerns of Lyssavirus and Hendra virus, what steps can the Department and Council undertake to further negate this issue in the Yuan Creek and surrounding residential precincts.

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1 Jul 2016 2:09 PM

Albert River Community Farm Open Day 2016

Albert River Community Farm open day is on today. They couldn't of picked a better day! The community farm looks after special needs individuals and gives them the opportunity to participate in outdoor activities. We have built up a nice variety of crops and orchid trees over many years. And I must say there has been a lot of work involved. Well done all!

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