2 Apr 2017 5:02 PM
Community SpiritToday we witnessed the best part of what it means to be human. Giving up your time and donating equipment to help those in need. No words can ever describe the gratitude in the eyes of residents who have lost everything. Thank you. |
14 Mar 2017 1:21 PM
Great Work Upper Coomera State CollegeOn Friday 10 March Upper Coomera State College primary school students Gloved up for Clean Up Australia Day, with students from prep right through to year 6 working hard to keep their school clean. The event was a student leader project, with primary and secondary student leaders working collaboratively to coordinate the day. The sun shone through as students raced to pick up the most rubbish in each year level, with prizes to be won for the winning class. |
10 Mar 2017 4:16 PM
UCSC Clean Up Day 2017Well done Upper Coomera State College students for doing a fantastic job at today's Clean Up Day. The school is looking spotless! It's great to see so much pride in a school. |
2 Feb 2017 2:48 PM
One Big Banyan.Our great Australia Banyan at Riverstone Crossing. That is a full sized adult standing under the tree. It does bring back memories, in my youth my mates and I would climb one similar in size. |
20 Dec 2016 11:04 AM
Please Report Illegal DumpingIt is very disappointing to see our roadways turning into dump sites. If you notice any illegal dump sites, please email my office and we will chase up. Email albert@parliament.qld.gov.au |