6 Sep 2020 6:16 AM

Helensvale Lions

Early 4am start for the Lions Club of Helensvale car boot sale. It is turning out to be a glorious morning. The car boot sale is on at Helensvale Plaza till 9am

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11 Mar 2020 2:37 PM

Helensvale Lions Raising Funds Nixon

Selling raffle tickets with the Helensvale Lions Club this afternoon at Coles Pacific Pines. All funds go to help a little fella Nixon. In 2017 Nixon was diagnosed with stage 4 high-risk Neuroblastoma. Unfortunately, Nixon has suffered a relapse and is now seeking trial treatment in the United States. Lions will back at Coles Pacific Pines on Saturday to raise more funds.

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1 Mar 2020 8:15 AM

Lions Car Boot Sale

Early start (before dawn) for the Lions Club of Helensvale car boot sale. Lions hosts this car boot sale every month. $15 per site. Big shout out to Storm. Storm takes in rescued dogs and brings them to health. She has been caring for the animals for as long as I have known Storm (many years)

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23 Jan 2020 10:13 PM

Helensvale Lions Planning A Big 2020

First Helensvale Lions meeting for the year. Topics discussed, Lions youth of the year (this year it will be held on the 18th February and students aged between 15 to 19 years are eligible), Australia Day and the regular Bunnings BBQ.

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21 Jan 2020 9:49 AM

Helensvale Lions Delivering Christmas Gifts

Helensvale Plaza and Lions Club of Helensvale teamed up to deliver gifts to the elderly at Arcare Helensvale. Many of the elderly in care facilities don't have family nearby and this time of year can be very lonely.

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