17 May 2024 5:47 PM

Oxenford Mens Shed Garden

The Oxenford Men's Shed Inc gents have done a fantastic job with their veggie and fruit garden. Tomates, mandarins, 🫐mulberries, lettuce, bok choy, potatoes and lots more. Charlie was keen to grow a mango tree, so we jetted off to buy a Keningston Pride Mango (Bowen Mango) for the shed.

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15 Dec 2023 12:12 PM

Men's Shed New BBQ Trailer

Happy to help out the Oxenford Men's Shed with the signage for the new trailer.

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5 Jan 2023 11:28 AM

New Kitchen For The Oxenford Men's Shed

Graham Cook, a local legend. Graham has spent much of his Christmas Holiday working at the Oxenford Men's Shed Inc installing a new kitchen. A cabinet maker and glazier by trade, Graham does a nice neat job. Graham also helps other community groups like Pacific Pines Residents Group.

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20 May 2019 10:49 AM

Oxendford Men's Shed

Wet morning in the electorate but the chaps from the Oxenford Men's Shed seemed to be vocal as always and good on them. One of the main topics was M1 Motorway Exit 57 concept design.

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13 Oct 2018 10:47 AM

Oxenford Men's Shed

On a wet day, there is nothing quite like spending time in a shed working the machines with your mates. In this case, two foreman and one worker! The lads are working the machines at the Oxenford Men's Shed Inc.

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