15 Sep 2018 9:32 AM
Mens Shed Supporting FarmersOxenford Men's Shed Inc is hosting a Sausage Sizzle at Bunnings Oxenford in aid of drought affected farmers. Please come down and grab a sausage sizzle and support these top blokes. |
10 May 2018 6:18 PM
Family Fun NightMother’s Day Family Fun Night at Bunnings Oxenford! Crowds are slowly pouring in. The Oxenford Men's Shed is doing a bit of instructing tonight, showing off their skills. Plus the QCWA Coomera ladies have put on a feast of free cakes. |
7 Nov 2017 1:32 PM
OMS Ladies DaysBusy morning at the Oxenford Men's Shed Inc with the ladies showing off their skills in the work shop. Gotta love the artwork and handiwork by the ladies. Graeme and Les enjoy helping out and answer any questions, two true gentlemen. |
17 Aug 2017 9:56 AM
Men's Shed Ladies DayIt's Ladies Day at the Oxenford Men's Shed Inc. The fellas are keen to teach the ladies how to use power tools, tips to repair furniture and heaps more! Plus some of the ladies maybe able to teach the fellas a thing or two! |
28 Nov 2016 3:37 PM
Pimpama Men's ShedCongratulations to the awesome Pimpama Men's Shed on the official opening of their new shed! Rob, Jeff, Des and I could go on for hours about how great these guys are and what they are doing for the community. So if you are interested in finding out more about their shed I suggest you pop on down for a cuppa and a chat. |