21 Jan 2020 10:58 AM
Can You Help Call Crimestoppers 1800333000Yet again the current Palaszczuk Labor Government proves it has no idea when it comes to reducing crime. I, along with my colleagues, have raised this issue time and again in Parliament but are only met with Labor Members laughing and sniggering at residents’ pleas. It’s time to get tough on crime and criminals and stop the revolving door through our criminal justice system. If you have any information about who this person is, please contact Crimestoppers 1800333000 |
25 Dec 2019 8:50 AM
Christmas Lunch For Our Local PoliceDelivered Christmas lunch (Roast Turkey Rolls) for our local Police. Christmas Day is a busy day for our Police with a huge amount of calls for service. Please have a wonderful Christmas Day and remember the true meaning of Christmas. I also want to highlight so many amazing locals who have opened their door to others who don’t have family close by and shared their Christmas Day. Truly wonderful. Please have a safe day and remember Christmas isn’t about “me” but it’s about “us”. |
24 Oct 2019 6:48 PM
Youth Crime SpeechLast night’s speech in Parliament, I spoke about the youth crime problem throughout the State and how both Police and residents see the courts as a revolving door. Residents work hard to buy a house, a car and items, only to have items stolen, vandalised and in other cases residents are placed in dangerous situations. |
27 Sep 2019 4:28 PM
Police Remembrance Day 2019We sometimes forget the dangerous situations our Police regularly deal with and it is with great sadness when we see on the television another officer going about their job will not be coming home to see their family. Police Remembrance day is a special time to remember all those who have paid the ultimate price serving the thin blue line. We are proud of your service to our community. |
8 Aug 2019 1:59 PM
Letter to the Police MinisterI have written to the Minister for Police and CC the newly appointed Police Commissioner about adequately resourcing the proposed Police Station at Pimpama. We need a net increase in officers on the Northern Gold Coast and simply moving officers from Coomera to the new station will do little to reduce the high levels of workload for Police. We need a substantial increase in Police numbers to reflect the high levels of calls for service. |