19 May 2019 8:57 AM
Law and Order SpeechLast week in parliament I spoke about the wonderful work our local Police are doing, but we need tougher legislation (sentencing) inline with community expectations. |
23 Feb 2019 6:07 PM
Neighbourhood WatchI’m not sure if Martin is in shock receiving neighbourhood watch signs but he is holding his heart. Only a couple more neighbourhood watch groups in the electorate I need to drop signs off to. Thank you Crimestoppers, we’re putting these signs to good use. |
15 Feb 2019 2:06 PM
Question On NoticeQuestion On Notice to the Minister was about Community Care Houses for Youth Offenders in our suburbs. It is a point of contention for residents who live close by to one and Police will argue it drains their resources. Therefore, how many are there on the Gold Coast... |
6 Feb 2019 1:04 PM
Crime StoppersCrime stoppers funding has fallen short by $250,000 and they will be forced to close its call centre this Friday. We need to keep Crime Stoppers independent and ensure callers feel their information is anonymous. This is the cornerstone to why so many people use the Crimestoppers service. We need the State to make up the difference and keep Crime Stoppers independent. |
14 Dec 2018 10:52 AM
Thank you Peter for your service.End of an era, today is the first day of QPS Sergeant Peter Anderson-Barr’s retirement after almost 36 years of dedicated service. Peter travelled far and wide across our state with many different posting during his career. Plus he has many good stories to tell. Thank you Peter for your long service. |