16 Jan 2017 3:18 PM

Exit 57

Last week, I again reminded the Minister for Main Roads of the importance of allocating funds to build an additional lane for vehicles traveling from Tamborine- Oxenford Road to have direct access to the M1 Motorway Northbound at Exit 57. Previous letters have detailed to the Minister, the volumes of vehicles that use this interchange daily and issues of traffic queuing caused by multiple traffic control signals so close together.

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4 Jan 2017 10:11 AM

Beaudesert Beenleigh Road

Beaudesert Beenleigh Road Upgrade near Shaw Pocket was completed just in time for Christmas. The upgrade allows vehicles to travel around the bend more safely at speed (80kmh). Thank you to the community for helping me achieve this goal. Now we need to fix the bend on Beaudesert Beenleigh Road 800 meters south of Dunns Road. It has claimed too many lives.

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30 Dec 2016 5:55 PM

Ormeau Lions Driver Reviver

I'm back at it again, looking after the Ormeau Driver Reviver for the last time for 2016! So far no complaints with the Bushells Gourmet Instant Coffee.

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22 Dec 2016 11:42 AM

Exit 54 Open Again

Bit of ground hog day happening here at M1 Motorway Exit 54 with the Labor Main Roads Minister announcing the completion of exit 54 road works. Sorry Minister, Deputy Mayor Cr Donna Gates and Michael Crandon MP announced this over the weekend. Interesting to note, the traffic southbound was crawling along due to traffic congestion. We need another Motorway between Logan City and the Gold Coast. Every time we have an accident on the M1 Motorway, the road network goes into meltdown.

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20 Dec 2016 11:00 AM

Road Maintenance

Pothole / bump has been fixed on Tamborine Oxenford Road with subsurface works. If you have any potholes to report, email my office the locations albert@parliament.qld.gov.au

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