10 Jul 2018 4:41 PM
School Crossing FixedDuring the last week of term 2, crossing guards at Helensvale State School requested a trip hazard be removed for students using the northern school crossing on Discovery Drive. Thank you to William Owen-Jones Division 2, Gold Coast Office for quickly fixing this issue. |
27 Jun 2018 5:30 PM
Henry Roberts Drive and Beaudesert-Nerang RoadLetter to the Minister for Main Roads regarding the intersection at Henry Roberts Drive and Beaudesert-Nerang Road. Residents of the area are seeking a turn left lane from Beaudesert-Nerang Road into Henry Roberts Drive. The intersection is located within a short distance of a hill crest, which limits visibility for vehicles traveling east towards the intersection. Therefore forcing motorists unfamiliar with the area to decelerate quickly. |
31 May 2018 9:27 AM
Sign Our PetitionExit 57 - Solar panels being installed rather than a slip lane on land adjoining the Oxenford Tavern. |
9 Apr 2018 2:32 PM
Roadworks Tamborine Oxenford RoadRoad improvement works will be undertaken on Tamborine-Oxenford Road at Elevation Drive Wongawallan and continuing for 1km in the westbound direction. Works are programed to start in early April and will continue until late June 2018, weather permitting. |
3 Apr 2018 2:46 PM
Roadworks CompleteFor those who don’t travel down Maudsland Road often, roadworks at Guanaba Creek Road and Maudsland Road were completed ahead of schedule. The department has also re surfaced a section of the intersection at Maudsland Road and Beaudesert - Nerang Road. Future works will need to be done to realign the intersection (Maudsland Road / Beaudesert - Nerang Road) and make it safer for motorists. |