22 Mar 2018 11:50 AM

Maudsland Road Pedestrian Crossing

This week in Parliament I spoke about the concerns residents from Maudsland have expressed about the need for a further signal pedestrian crossing at the intersection of Maudsland Road / Gaven Arterial Road and Riverstone Crossing Maudsland. #reserve #riverstonecrossing

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13 Mar 2018 2:51 PM

Park 'n' Ride Update

Damian Leeding Park ‘n’ Ride will be established for exclusive use by GC2018 ticketed spectators attending competition at Oxenford Studios, and will see 1000 vehicles parking for each competition session. With up to three session changes each day, the local area will be much busier with more people, more traffic and heightened security measures during Games time.

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12 Mar 2018 6:43 PM


Motorists are advised that the Pacific Motorway (M1) off-ramp at Exit 57 (Oxenford interchange) will be closed to all traffic from 8pm tonight (12 March 2018) to 5am tomorrow morning (13 March 2018), weather permitting

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10 Jan 2018 12:35 PM

Maudsland Rd Roadworks

Work is now underway on a $4.4 million project to improve safety on Maudsland Road near the intersection of Guanaba Creek Road. Construction of the project includes realigning the road to the east of the current location, improving drainage and formalising access to City of Gold Coast’s Cliff Bird Park with an entrance from Guanaba Creek Road.

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4 Nov 2017 3:54 PM

Busy Busy day

Cracker of a day, first up was the announcement that the LNP will build the inter regional transport corridor to give motorist an alternative to the M1 Motorway. Next up was my usual task, help with the Lions BBQ clean up, than it was time to help the Northern Gold Coast RSL legends at Bunnings. Now it’s time for my business as usual Community Roadside.

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