Check In QLD App
25 Jun 2021 2:19 PMMark Boothman
Changes for businesses and customers. In addition to the hospitality sector, from 1am Friday 9 July, the Check In Qld app will be mandatory for a number of new sectors, including:
- venues that attract large crowds, such as stadiums, convention centres, theme parks, concert venues and cinemas
- shopping centres and supermarkets
- beauty and personal care service, such as hairdressing, beauty therapy and nail services
- indoor events, such as cultural festival and expos
- outdoor events that are a music or dance festivals
- leisure and recreation facilities, such as gyms, health clubs, indoor sports facilities and indoor pools
- short-term residential facilities such as hotels, boarding houses and short-term holiday rentals
- outdoor recreation, such as caravan parks, camping areas, zoos and aquariums
- public-facing government services, such as customer service counters in government buildings, galleries, museums, libraries and community centres such as recreation halls
- weddings, funerals and places of worship (only required if indoor)
- higher education institutions, such as universities, TAFEs and registered training organisations
- adult entertainment venues
- hospitals, residential aged care, disability service accommodation (applies to visitors, volunteers and contractors, not staff or patients/residents).