Committee Estimates for the Community Safety and Legal Affairs Committee.

26 Jul 2024 5:38 PMMark Boothman Committee Estimates for the Community Safety and Legal Affairs Committee.

Today, we learned the cost of the Premier’s twin jet jaunt: $168,000 for two planes to jet set around the state. It was also interesting to hear the plane manifest was incorrect. CASA legally requires correct manifests for private chartered flights.

The Crime and Corruption Commission Chair blasted the State Labor Government for multiple transparency failings that have left Queenslanders in the dark.

I asked the Inspector General of Emergency Management about the Christmas Day storm. On the 1st of July, the IGEM hosted a review into the 2023–24 severe weather season. At the forum, residents were very vocal about vegetation management and the subsequent damage to dwellings caused by vegetation. Residents had applied to have problematic trees removed (at their cost) only to have their requests denied.

After seeing the damage done to so many houses, it was remarkable we didn't have more fatalities. This needs to be addressed for the safety of residents.