COVID Update
28 Jun 2021 11:43 AMMark Boothman
Mask Wearing Mandatory from 1am Tomorrow (Tuesday 29 June)
There have been 2 more locally acquired cases in Queensland.
One is linked to the Portuguese restaurant who has been in isolation so they’re not worried about that case.
The second is the one reported yesterday afternoon, a mine worker from the Bli Bli area on the Sunny Coast who has tested positive with the highly transmissible Delta strain. She was only in the community for one day, but given how transmissible this strain is there is concern.
Because of this, the Government is making the following restrictions mandatory from 1am tomorrow (but they’d prefer people to start following them today):
Mask wearing will be mandatory for the next 2 weeks for the following 11 council areas:
Gold Coast
Sunshine Coast
Scenic Rim
Lockyer Valley
You don’t need to wear a mask in the following situations:
- in your home
- when you’re exercising outside with your family
- in your car when you’re alone
- when you’re seated to eat or drink in public
For anyone who was thinking of having a party, you’ll only be allowed 30 people in your home, including kids
Weddings and funerals are capped at 100 people. Up to 20 people can dance at a wedding.
For the moment we’re back to the world from Footloose and dancing is banned publicly, apart from the above for weddings.
Back to 1 person per 4 square metre rule (apart from in smaller venues)
You must check in at each venue you go to
Vaccines - when you’re eligible, I’d encourage everyone to get vaccinated and make sure you don’t miss your appointment.
Keep watch on the exposure sites in case you’ve visited any, find them below
For information on for further updates follow the below link
As always, if you’re feeling unwell go get tested and stay isolated until you get a result. There are cases in multiple states at the moment so stay aware of your symptoms.
Keep up the hand washing and social distancing.