Local Small Businesses
7 Aug 2021 11:53 AMMark Boothman
Please keep supporting your local small businesses throughout the Northern Gold Coast.
Government assistance for businesses or workers hit by the local lock down.
Employees, The Federal Government’s Covid 19 Disaster Payment will soon because available to those who have lost work in the 11 Local Government Areas under the lockdown. You can apply for these payments from Saturday the 7th of August. Eligibility of payments is back dated to day 1 of the lock down. (4pm 31 July)
$750 a week for those who have lost more than 20 hours work
$450 a week for those who have lost 8-20 hours of work
$200 a week top up payment for those on income support who have lost more than 8 hours work
Further information here https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/.../covid-19...
Any visa holders who are allowed to work in Australia, please call 180 22 66 for assistance.
Businesses. $5,000 lump sum payment will be made available from the State Government for small and medium businesses across all industries.
Small & medium businesses eligibility criteria:
$75,000 per annum or more turnover.
Annual Payroll of up to $10 million.
More information located at the link below
Please note, the State Grant will not be available for another 2 weeks. No systems have been developed to process the applications……
More information here.