Our State Roads
20 Jan 2023 10:52 AMMark Boothman
Up to a 30% increase in traffic volumes on Theodore electorate State roads.
When you’re driving around, you would have noticed traffic volumes are continuing to increase. In a reply to a recent Question on Notice to the Minister for Transport and Main Roads the data shows we have had a large increase in volumes since 2015.
Here is a break down (vehicle numbers are calculated as Average Annual Daily Traffic).
Tamborine Oxenford Road (Near Hayes Road, Wongawallan) 21.58% increase from 2015 to 2021, equalling 5510 vehicles per day in 2021
Tamborine Oxenford Road (Near Reserve Road Intersection, Upper Coomera) 15.23% increase from 2015 to 2021, equalling 19127 vehicles per day in 2021
Tamborine Oxenford Road (East of Regatta Ave, Oxenford), 12.58% increase from 2015 to 2020, equalling 21408 vehicles per day in 2020.
Main Roads completed its $25 million Exit 57 upgrade in 2020 and since vehicle volumes using Exit 57 have DECREASED coming from Tamborine Oxenford Road. Details below:
Tamborine Oxenford Road (East of Regatta Ave, Oxenford) – 8.28% DECREASE from 2020 to 2021, equalling 19771 vehicles per day in 2021
Maudsland Road (700m south of Guanaba Creek Road) 35.81% increase from 2015 to 2021, equalling 7300 vehicles per day in 2021.
Maudsland Road (Between Cobb & Co Drive and Tamborine Oxenford Road Oxenford), 37.69% increase from 2015 to 2021, equalling 12022 vehicles per day in 2021
Beaudesert Nerang Road (Near FG Walker Bridge Coomera River), 29.25% increase from 2015 to 2021, equalling 8105 vehicles per day in 2021.
Beaudesert Nerang Road (Near Crystal Spring Ct Maudsland), 8.84% increase from 2015 to 2021, equalling 8450 vehicles per day in 2021
Beaudesert Nerang Road (Near Mooyumbin Creek Nerang), 2.68% increase from 2015 to 2021, equalling 24406 vehicles per day in 2021
Hope Island Road (Between Monterey Keys Drive & Santa Barbara Road), 9.63% increase from 2015 to 2021, equalling 30878 vehicles per day in 2021.
The full break down on vehicles numbers can be found here https://documents.parliament.qld.gov.au/.../1523-2022.pdf
This data shows more vehicles are driving through our region - especially “to and from” areas to our west. Many of these roads are simply not suitable to carry high volumes of traffic. Many of these roads are winding mountain roads. Many of these roads are just not designed for this.
I have spoken in Parliament about the need to fast track solutions to better cater for this increasing traffic volumes.
We need to plan, deliver and evaluate for our future road networks.