2 Jul 2017 8:47 AM

Lions Car Boot Sale

Icy morning for the Helensvale Lions Car Boot sale but we had a few brave souls who rugged up to search of a bargain. Mark it in your diary for the first Sunday of the Month excluding January. Helensvale Plaza Southern car park Sir John Overall Drive, HELENSVALE 4212. Time: 6.00 - 10.00 AM (Set up from 4.00 AM)

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5 Jun 2017 9:17 PM

Ormeau Lions Meeting (Ormeau Fair)

Ormeau Lions Club meeting tonight, main topic is the Ormeau Fair which is only a month away! This year marks 100 years of Lions and to highlight this milestone, Lions members will receive a special 100 year badge.

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4 Jun 2017 9:41 AM

Helensvale Lions Car Boot Sale

Chilly start for the Lions Car Boot sale at Helensvale this morning, but by mid morning there was a good roll up of residents looking for a bargain. Plus the Lions Club of Helensvale were cooking up a feast of Bacon and Egg burgers. Nothing beats a Lions Bacon and Egg burger.

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28 May 2017 10:15 AM

Coomera Valley RFB Open Day

Coomera Valley Rural Fire Brigade open day from 10am till 2pm today. Come down and support your local volunteers! Jumping castle, free rides with lil squirt and lots of fire safety information.

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21 May 2017 10:05 AM

Studio Village Family Fun Day

Studio Village Community Centre family fun day is on today from 10 am behind the community centre. The Labrador Men's Shed fellas are showing off their skills in wood working.

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